A Pink Strawberry Dessert and some Photographic tips

What I'm enjoying the most now is: Photography. Do you remember those days, not so long ago, when we had to take our photo reels to the photography shop to get our pictures developed? I hated those waiting days... yes, days!!!! Can you imagine? And now, you want it, you have it!

I know I still have much to learn; I'm an autodidact and these things take time and practice... but looking back to my first pictures in this blog, you will see the difference, I can't help it, I feel kind of proud... my pictures have improved. So, when I noticed Zorra's event, I thought... hey, this one is for me! Come join me and send your pictures over, it will be fun! Just follow her instructions at 1x Umrühren Bitte and share your tips on Photography :D.

Here is the deal: Post the before and after picture and mention how many "botox" you used ;D. For example, take these 2 pictures: the one in the left is the before one and the right is the after one. Notice the differences?

This is what I did: First of all, opened the picture from Photoshop and reduced its size. If you are not planning to print the pic, then 72 pixels/inch resolution is perfect. Also, I re sized it 400 pixels width. Saved 2 pictures out of it: a and b. Went to Picasa 3 and edited b. I clicked the "I'll be lucky", I also gave some colour temperature and sharpened the image.

The following pictures have been arranged with the I'll be lucky tool, the light tool and the sharpening one depending on their initial characteristics.

My camera is a Nikon D40. All these pictures were taken with the 70-300 mm objective and I used the macro function in some of them. All photos come out in Jpg format, 2256x1496 pixels. My camera has the Raw format but I have never used it yet.
The following pictures are only the "b" ones. Picasa 3 is a free software which allows you to play and arrange your pictures, upload web albums and more. My advise is: go and get it! Follow this link to see this recipe's web album (full size).
This is also my entry for Priya from Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes as she is being the host this month for the Event: FIC - Pink/Rose. I know, I know, strawberries are red but what happens when we mix them with some mascarpone? Yes, that's right... we get a Pink mouse ;D. You can also find the instructions for the Event at Tongue Ticklers, Sunshinemom is waiting for more pink entries ;D.

So finally, here is the recipe for this fresh and pink strawberry dessert: Strawberries Mouse.

Ingredients for 4 servings: 150 grs of Mascarpone, 250 grs of Strawberries + 50 more, 25 grs sugar, 2 sheets of gelatin, 4 tablespoons of fresh and natural orange juice, 1 teaspoon of grounded white sugar and some mint leaves.

  • Dive the gelatin sheets in some water. Squeeze and pour in a pot with 6 tablespoons of water. Heat it and when the gelatin dilutes reserve. Take the cleaned and chopped 250 grs of strawberries and blend.
  • Add the mascarpone, the gelatin in water and fill up the four glasses. Place in the fridge for minimum 4 hours.
  • Clean and cut the 50 grs of strawberries and saute for 1 minute aprox. in a sauce pan with the orange juice and the white grounded sugar.
  • Take the glasses out of the fridge, decorate with this mixture on top and place the mint leaves. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Good bye winter! Welcome Spring!!!!
