Did you know that depending on the colours you use to decorate your home you can drive your emotions one way or the other?

Brandade: 320 grs of desalted cod, 500 grs of potatoes, 3 garlic cloves, 8 fresh shrimps, salt, black ground pepper and olive oil.
- In a big sauce pan drop some olive oil (8 table spoons aprox) and when hot, cook the shrimps (previously cleaned) slightly. 30 seconds each side should be enough. Reserve the shrimps on a plate and strain the oil and reserve too.
- Clean the potaotes under tap water and boil in a pot until they are completely cooked. Peel and blend them. Reserve.
- Take the reserved oil and pour in a clean sauce pan, when hot cook the choped garlics until fragant and add the desalted cod. It's important that you dry the cod first. Use some clean kitchen clothes for example.
- Stir at medium heat until the cod breaks into little pieces. Add 1/2 a liter of water and let it boil for 10 minutes. Add the potates and use a food processor to blend it all.
- Get a big recipient ready with cold water and icecubs and cool the cod and potatoes brandade in a Bain Marie. Add the shrimps bodies cut in dices. Taste it and only if necessary add some salt and black ground pepper. When cold, place in the fridge until you use it.
- Pour two table spoons of olive oil in a frying pan, when hot add the chopped garlic and parsley. Fry with medium heat until garlic gets a bit golden. Add the pine nuts. Stir and add 200 ml of water.
- Cook for 5 minutes.
- Blend, strain, taste and add salt if necessary. Reserve.
Take the piquillos and stuff them with the brandade. Pour some parsley sauce over the plates and place the piquillos on top. Serve cold.
You can also have them as a tapa and serve over a slice of bread.

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