I'm talking about presenting a dish, making it nice to the sight, wanting to have a bite on it before you smell it.

And now to the recipe.
Ingredients for 4 servings: 500 grs of pink/purple kidney beans, 1 ham bone, 1 season onion. 150 grs of cured pancetta, 4 ripe tomatoes, 1 big onion, 4 garlic cloves, salt, water and olive oil. Some rice and 12-16 Pimientos del Padrón (hot green peppers).

- The night before put the beans in a recipient with fresh water doubling their volume.
- Next morning, strain and wash the beans under tap water and place inside a big casserole or sauce pan. Pour cold water on top and double their volume. Add the season onion peeled and cut in 4 and the bone ham. Place over the heat and wait until they start boiling. Take the foam away. Turn the heat to the lowest possible and throw a bit of cold water in to "frighten" the beans. Every time the simmering gets too "happy" throw a bit of cold water in. Simmer for 2 hours or 2 1/2 hours. The time can vary depending on many factors. Try them to be sure they are tender. Let them cool down in the cooking recipient.
- While the beans are cooking get the Sofrito ready: In a frying pan pour some olive oil, just 4 table spoons or so. When it heats, add the pancetta cut in wide strips. When golden reserve in a plate.
- Use the same frying pan with the remaining oil and saute the onion (cut in small dices), when transparent add the chopped garlic and after 1 or two minutes the grated tomatoe (discard the peel). Cook the sofrito until the tomatoe looses all its water and it becomes thicker. Add some salt and the pancetta back to the frying pan. Stir for 2 or 3 minutes at low heat and reserve.
- With the help of a dipper take all the stock water (from boiling the beans) that we don't need and reserve.
- Add the sofrito to the beans casserole and simmer for 5 more minutes. Don't use a wooden spoon to stir, just shake the casserole or the beans will break.
- Taste and add more salt if necessary. Ready to eat. If you have it for dinner it will taste much better :D.
- Fry in low heat the small green peppers and pour some maldon salt on top. These little peppers are famous because some of them might be hot and some not... good luck!
- Boil some rice in salty water and have it ready when the dish is finished.
To set the Classic Beans dish: Just place the beans in an earthenware dish and set the rice and peppers aside.
To set the Transformed Beans dish: Discard all the pancetta strips, use a food processor to get a fine texture out of the beans and add some of the beans stock we had reserved to achieve the texture you like most. Pour some rice on top and the fried peppers.
Get your earthenware dishes in La Tienda. They sell on line :D just click the picture.
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