Cold Spaguetti and Avocado Salad

Let everything you are doing aside, please; pay full attention to this recipe/post! Still don't know what to do today for dinner? Pleaseeeeee, notice that this recipe is one of the easiest and fastest and "deliciousnest" you will find in the net!

Let's see, do you have a lemon, an avocado, a garlic clove, 1 cayenne red dry pepper, frozen boiled prawns, spaguettis, olive oil and salt? There you are! No need for anything else :D.

I wouldn't insist if the dish wasn't awesome... trust me... I know Ben will do; but the rest of you should also do as I say. YOU WILL LOVE IT!

* Defroze the prawns and peel.

* Take a big pot and boil 300 grs of spaguetti pasta in salty water. Follow package instructions. Strain and put under tap cold water. Pour some olive oil over it so that it doesn't get sticky. Reserve.

* Take the avocado and cut in four simetric pieces (leave the bone aside). One of the pieces should be cut in dices.Pour half of the lemon over it. Reserve in the fridge.

* The rest of the avocado should be smashed inside a bowl. Add the minced garlic clove (peeled), some more lemon juice, 3 extra virgin olive oil tablespoons, salt and black ground pepper. Place in a big bowl. Reserve.

* Cut the cayenne pepper in half. Take the seeds away, wash in cold water. Dry and cut in small pieces. Reserve.

* Mix the pasta with the avocado paste in the big bowl.

* Present the dish in small plates or bowls with the Spaguetti first, the prawns and some of the avocado dices you reserved. Sprinkle with the cayenne and thick sea salt. Pour just a bit of extra virgin olive oil on top.
