Meat: The main thing to remember about the meat in the preparation of gluten-free recipes is to stay away from processed meats. Plain meat, poultry and fish, for example, are fine.
Fruits: The gluten is not found naturally in fruits. Therefore, it is easy to prepare gluten-free recipes that require fruits.
Vegetables, cereals and dairy products: corn, flax, wheat, potatoes, legumes, nuts, soy, tapioca, and most natural cheeses are allowed options for those who do not want to consume gluten.
Recipes without gluten Tips: What NOT to eat
A general rule in the preparation of gluten-free recipes is to stay away from the following options:
1. processed meats, many of these contain gluten found in food starches, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and / or fat substitutes.
2. most meals, white flour, yeast and flour and other enriched flour contain gluten.
3. processed foods in general: there are many processed foods that do not normally think of as processed foods such as vegetables in sauce, soy sauce, sauces and a self-basting turkey, for example.
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