Sobrassada Stuffed Squid... the 3 S... like in Superb, Savory and Seasonal!
Yes, it might look a bit scary, but this size of squid is far from making me swim faster. I would have more doubts if I bumped into one of those super large ones from deep deep inside the oceans. Just the thought of a sea creature touching my skin and not being able to see it, scares me to death!!!
However, these poor squids didn't have a second chance... they ended in my pan sofrito's pool :D. Can't wait to tell you how delicious they were. See that wonderful sauce? And the tasteful stuffing and the squids themselves... and... no, no; the toothpick should be left aside, but the rest, you can eat it all! Make sure you have the best bread nearby.
Squid season just ended here but it's starting in the North Sea, so go to your fishmonger and ask him to clean 8 squids for you and hurry home to prepare this easy recipe. There might be a little problem though, you will also need sobrassada which is a raw cured sausage from the Balearic Islands and maybe it's not at the corner shop. But if you do find it, please give it a try!
Ingredients for 4 servings: 8 medium squids, 100 grs of sobrassada, 200 grs of minced pork meat, 2 eggs, 1 big onion, 2 garlic cloves, 1 big slice of bread (from 2-3 days ago), 2 table spoons of fried tomato sauce, 1 glass of white dry wine, some olive oil, salt and black ground pepper.
- Ask your fishmonger to clean the squids for you and once home clean them again turning the bodies inside out.
- Boil the two eggs for 10 minutes. Cool down and peel when completely cold. Grate and reserve.
- Take a big bowl and mix the pork meat and the sobrassada with a fork. Squeeze the bread you had soaked in milk, and add to the bowl. Add the eggs too. Mix it all and sprinkle some salt and pepper.
- Stuff the squids with the mixture and close them with a toothpick.
- Soften the onion in some olive oil inside a big pan, add the minced garlic and after 5 minutes, add the tomato sauce. Stir it all.
- Place the squids in the pan and the legs too. Golden them a bit and add the wine. Cook at medium/low heat for 20 to 30 minutes or until tender.
- There you are! Have them hot or cold, for lunch/dinner or as a tapa... Enjoy!
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