Chocolate Cupcakes

And you may wonder, what does this cupcake to do with Spanish Cuisine? Well, it happens to be that Jordi Roca from El Celler de Can Roca, second best restaurant in the world according to I don't know which guide/list and with 3 Michelin Stars, published some time ago in a local Magazine called CUINA, 3 different type of cupcakes' recipes. Jordi Roca is the desserts' chef at this restaurant and he has awesome creations which I never tried to reproduce... but this time, when I saw these American cuties, I couldn't help it!

El Celler de Can Roca is on my ThingstodobeforeIdie list, and hopefully if this crisis doesn't go worst, I will go there for one of the lunches of my life just before the summer :D. Because that's what life is about, isn't it? Sharing special moments with special people and treasuring those memories so that when life is not that kind with us we can go back to that awesome moments we enjoyed so. 

Just in case you wonder about the cupcakes paper, you can find them at Ikea. Lovely colours! The recipe is really easy to follow, however, I made some minor changes but the result was... maybe not a 3 Michellin Star cupcake, but It was good enough for me and my family ;D. I hope you enjoy it too :D.

I have made a research for those of you away from your country (USA) and missing your mom's, auntie's, corner shop's cupcakes and found all these addresses where you can find excellent quality and varied delicious cupcakes in Barcelona!

Florentine Cupcakes

Cafeteria Milola

Think Sweet

Ingredients for a 12 batch: 100 grs of cake flour, 5 grs of baking powder, 100 grs of icing powdered sugar, 100 grs of butter (I used margarine), 2 eggs and 50 grs of milk. For the toping: 100 grs of egg's white, 75 grs of sugar, two table spoons of organic cocoa powder and some chocolate little fingers.

  • Use an electric mixer to mix the butter (at room temperature), the sugar and the eggs one by one. Sift the flour and baking powder and add to the dough. Finally, add the milk.
  • Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
  • Fill the cupcakes papers and reserve. Bake for 20 minutes aprox.
  • Prepare the topping: Place in a bowl the eggs whites and the sugar. Use the electric mixer to beat the eggs whites until stiff and carefully add the cocoa powder. 
  • When the cupcakes are cold, place the topping over them with the help of two teaspoons and pour some chocolate little fingers on top.
Enjoy them!!!
