Those of you familiar with this blog, already know about my passion for Japanese gastronomy. I simply love it; every recipe, dish, preparation is a work of art. It's about flavours, textures, colours... I do admire the simplicity/complexity and the beauty they achieve in every single dish!
Pictures are a must.
If you are a handy person, you will find no trouble in wrapping the ingredients in the nori algae. Make your table look like a sushi forest!!!
Ingredients for 4 servings: 8 nori toasted algae, for the rice preparation: 350 grs of Japanese rice, 420 ml of water, 5 tablespoons of rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a bit of salt. And to fill the temakis: Some fresh lettuce, 2 boiled eggs, 200 grs of tuna, 200 grs of salmon, 1 avocado, some shrimps (you can have them lightly fried or raw), toasted sesame seeds and soja. Feel free to use your favourite flavours/ingredients.
- Prepare the rice.
- Cut the algae in two pieces.
- Prepare the rice cones with your wet hands and place on the nori algae. Add the ingredients you want in every temaki. Wrap it while making a cone's shape with the algae and seal with a grain of rice to keep it closed.
- There you are! Place temakis in narrow glasses or lying on the dishes and use some soya sauce to dress them.
- Make sure you have frozen/defrost all raw ingredients.
I don't know what is more pleasant: preparing temakis or eating them? You tell me ;D.
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