Learn to Cook Healthy Food Quickly
The modern woman "leaves" from the kitchen all the more, because very often it has to literally "torn" between home, work, and numerous other daily activities. But this does not mean that the time spent on preparing food for loved ones, "crossed out" of life, or spent on something unnecessary shame! And it does not mean that it can be reduced by prigotoleniya finished or food junk food! Let's leave these "achievements" of civilization beyond the threshold of the house, but do think about how to organize at least at home healthy and nutritious food, tasty and healthy, including eating habits and preferences of all family members, spending a minimum of time!
The West increasingly popular system for doing household chores flylady, which involves leaving the house at a low cost of time. And the principles of this system is very well suited for those who want to learn how to quickly and without difficulty to cook for her family. How can simplify and speed up this rather tedious daily task?
Many experienced hostess for many years to "work" at the stove, they know a lot of the secrets of how to do it! And I, as a nutritionist, will comment on such advice, "narytye" in the bowels of the Internet.
But to begin with a few words of his own. Usually to prepare a full meal for my family of five, I spend no more ... hours. First, because I prefer the dishes with minimal thermal processing, and second, at the same time preparing two or three, or even four or five dishes, and thirdly, I'm terribly lazy, so for years of family life have learned all the household chores done quickly and right the first time so you do not adapt, and then idle for your pleasure! The joke, of course, but actually save time by doing all the "in pace!" But surely - in a good mood and with love! And always a good! Knowingly in Ayurveda great attention paid not only to the products used to prepare food, but also the one who prepares it, what kind of mood, what thoughts, what energy invested in the food! And we have a immutable law: when baked Easter cakes, for example, you can not even raise his voice! So take you usually cook with love and only in a good mood!
And now a few tips from the Internet:
Get familiar with the menu. Sometimes you have so that you have come to the kitchen in the morning and just can not figure out what to cook for breakfast and then for lunch and dinner? To such thoughts spent a lot of time, which is always valuable (especially for young mothers). Therefore more appropriate to allocate one hour in the evening one day a week and make the menu for some time (ideally 1-2 weeks). To help you use different cooking sites, books, and a list of what you already have in your fridge and pantry, as well as the wishes of the family. And do not throw away the preparation of the menu, after a while they will be useful again.
Prepare meals on already spent recipes. So you quickly deal with their economic troubles, because you do not have to constantly check the recipe. A new recipes in store for the weekend when you have more time to experiment, and you can relish.
Decide where their food purchases. best option - to buy basic food 1-2 times a week on the market or in the supermarket, and then buy more as needed products that are perishable (it will not be time-consuming). Go to the purchase is the list, then you will not forget to buy something. Another option that saves time - order products via the Internet.
Organize your workspace. before preparing food, the kitchen should be clean, and the table - free. Remove from the refrigerator and cupboards of all you need in the process, then you do not have to make unnecessary movements and distracted. Use the pause (for example, when you wait for boiling water) for rinsing dishes, you will not be using. So you reduce the number of dirty dishes in the end, and you will not suffer with the dried product residues.
Pull the meat in advance and let it defrost. so you can quickly cook the meat should be at room temperature. If you do not have time to defrost it in advance, use the microwave for this purpose. Also, remember that you can not permanently leave the meat out of the refrigerator.
Another important point: start cooking vegetables as soon as you bring them from the market or from the store. If a lot of time to keep them in the refrigerator, they will last longer qualify.
Vegetables before you place them in the refrigerator should be properly prepared. , for example, encourage them to wash - it will save you time when you start to cook lunch or dinner. By the way, not very dirty wash fruits or vegetables can be very fast, if you put them in a plastic bag, pour the water back and trotted. To wash the potatoes or carrots, you can use steel wool for dishes. Washed vegetables and herbs can be pre-cut, place in a bag and send in the freezer - so you can still save a bunch of time.
Slice the vegetables as possible smaller and throw them right into the boiling water. known that finely chopped carrots and potatoes are cooked much faster. And if this is chronically short of time, then turn your attention to the already pre-cut vegetables that you can buy in the supermarket.
Use the microwave and oven. In some cases, you can cook healthy and tasty food in a microwave oven, and it will take very little time. As long as it was not included in the constant habit. But the oven and can be used "to the full"! It can make a lot of dishes "for the lazy", such as meat or fish, bake, cook roast or stew in the pot. Imagine meat wrapped in foil, in a pot, "chop" vegetables in the oven - and free for 40-50 minutes!
Learn not to throw away any product remaining after preparing breakfast, lunch or dinner. You will be surprised to learn that these residues in some cases can be sent to another dish. For example, the remaining afternoon sliced ??tomatoes and sweet peppers in the evening can be used to make vegetable stew or sautéed.
Buy yourself a good dish to cook. Splurge for a start on a couple of thick-bottomed pan like "Bergoff" or "Zepter" pan with ceramic coating, and then he "gets" the rest. Now a lot of dishes for fast cooking - all sorts multivarki, pressure cookers, etc. All it really saves a lot of time!
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