5 Quick Recipe With Wasabi

Quick Recipe With Wasabi

If your kitchen there is a tube or jar of Japanese horseradish wasabi bought for sushi, do not forget about it, use it in these delicious recipes. 

1. Spicy Nuts
Mix a spoonful of wasabi paste with a few tablespoons of soy sauce. 
Add a little honey to sweeten. 
Stir in a mixture of unsalted nuts and seeds. 
Arrange on a baking sheet, padded parchment. Bake 10 minutes at 200 g C until golden brown. 

2. Baked Salmon Stir a drop of sesame oil with wasabi paste, spread a thin layer of salmon. Sprinkle with bread crumbs (or breadcrumbs) and bake in the oven until done. 

3. salad dressing and wasabi Mix lime juice, sesame oil and peanut butter with a bit of wasabi paste. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with beef (with blood) or with a fresh salad, sprinkled with sesame seeds. 

4. sharp vegetable rice Mix soy sauce with wasabi paste, set aside. Sauté the onion, red pepper and green cabbage for 4 minutes. Add boiled basmati rice and stir to heat. Add wasabi mixture, season with salt and pepper and serve.

 5. Cocktail "Bloody Mary" with wasabi Fill the glass with ice and pour into 2 parts vodka. Squeeze out the juice of lime and add a drop of wasabi paste. Then add a few drops of Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce. Top up the tomato sauce and stir.
