Chocolate truffles

Did you ever see real truffles? they are very popular in the Spanish cuisine, mainly used for providing aroma to meat stews. But other than this natural treasure, we can also enjoy the chocolate truffles: a very easy preparation that melts in your mouth, releasing a deep dark chocolate flavour. They look indeed like natural truffles, but made out of chocolate. I'm sure you tried them (they are popular all around the world), but if you want to prepare your own truffles, try this recipe. It will impress everyone, but in reality is one of the easiest desserts you can prepare. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 20-25 truffles:

-200 gr dark chocolate
-100 gr heavy cream
-20 gr butter
-cocoa powder for decoration


1-Break the chocolate into pieces and combine with the heavy cream. Heat in the microwave for 30 seconds at 600 w, being extremely careful not to overheat the mixture, as chocolate easily burns. Let it rest for 3 minutes and start mixing with a spatula until well combined.
2-Let it rest in the fridge overnight or at least until it turns solid.
3-Make small portions with the help of a spoon and give a round shape with your hands (it doesn't need to look perfect) and dust with cocoa powder. Keep in the fridge.
