Grilled vegetables with romesco sauce

You will probably agree with me that there are people who have really good ideas for enjoying their free time?. For example, there is this guy - Edu - who tries patatas braves in Barcelona and then rates them on his website: He gives its price and the name and address of the bar or restaurant in which he has eaten them,  he evaluates the potatoes (their size, how they were prepared, whether they had a crispy crust, and were soft inside, if they were bathed in oil etc.) and also the sauces: alioli and tomato sauce (if were spicy, their texture, proportion between alioli and tomato sauce etc.). What intrigues me the most, however, is the list of 15 best patatas bravas in Barcelona, which is periodically updated. I must admit that I tried only few places from his list, but all of them were really delicious:). There are obviously many similar sites which evaluate restaurants, places with good coffee, with good carrot cake (recently very popular here in Barcelona), and also with spots for weekend brunch. Maybe I should think about this kind of site as well:). I could start with romesco sauce, very popular now when calçots are in season, which in many restaurants is also served with grilled or raw vegetables. I will definitely think about it:). Meanwhile, today I have for you this easy recipe for grilled vegetables with romesco sauce.

Ingredients (serves 1):

1 artichoke
2 young carrots
4 mushrooms
a few slices of zucchini
a piece of red pepper
some sugar or snap peas pods
olive oil

for the romesco sauce click here

  • You can use whatever veggies you like and replace or add to the above list slices of eggplant, onions, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower florets, potatoes, etc.
  • You can substitute ñoras peppers for roasted red peppers. From the above recipe you should obtain about 2 cups of sauce. You can keep leftovers in the fridge for a few days and use it for meat, sandwiches or pasta. 

Wash the vegetables and pat dry them with paper towels. Toss them with olive oil and salt, and grill on a grill pan until dark stripes appear. Then flip them over and grill until tender. Place them on a plate and serve with the sauce.

Enjoy !!!
