We have a big tree here that this year gave tons of pears, i love pears but when they all begin to mature is time to do a dessert!
And I love the pear / chocolate combination, I saw many recipes (in fact I have some recipes and pears with chocolate) but this sounded great: A pear and chocolate pudding !!
Everyone loved it and me too!
Nigella recipe!
I think Nigella has some of the best dessert recipes.
She used tin pears for this but I boiled some of my pears and was amazing!
700 grams fresh pears (boiled)
or pears halves in juice (2 cans)
125 grams plain flour
40 grams cocoa powder
130 grams caster sugar
150 grams soft butter
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
2 large eggs or 3 medium
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat to oven 180°c (370°F)
And grease with butter a 22 cm square ovenproof dish.
Drain the pears and arrangue them on the base of the dish.
Pull all the remaining ingredients in a food processor and
blitz until you have a batter with a soft dropping consistency .
Spread the brown batter over the pears and bake in the oven by 30 minutes.
Let stand out of the oven by 10 minutes and then cut into slabs
and serve with Vanilla ice cream, or fresh cream or chocolate sauce.
Before put in the oven spread the batter over the pears
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En Español
Budin de peras y chocolate
700 gramos de peras frescas o
2 tarros de peras
125 gramos de harina
40 gramos de chocolate o cocoa en polvo
130 gramos azúcar en polvo
150 gramos de mantequilla temperatura ambiente
1 cucharadita polvos de hornear
1/4 cucharadita bicarbonato
2 huevos grandes o 3 medianos
2 cucharaditas extracto de vainilla
En una olla mediana hervir un poco las peras (si son frescas con canela y un poco de azúcar.(Si son de tarro saltar este paso solo colar el jugo de las peras.)
Precalentar el horno a 180°c.
Enmantequilla una fuente de cerámica o pyrex para horno.
Una vez retirado el jugo de las peras, acomodar en el fondo de la fuente.
Aparte mezclar todos los demás ingredientes a mano o con un procesador hasta tener una crema espesa de chocolate.
Esparcir esta crema de chocolate sobre las peras (como se ve en la foto) y llevar a hornear a horno durante unos 30 minutos hasta que esté seco y horneado.
Dejar enfriar con el horno apagado durante unos 10 minutos.
Despues servir en trozos ya sea con helado de vainilla o crema batida o salsa de chocolate.
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