Crumble aux pommes - Apple crumble- Crumble de manzanas

Talking about pears we have some apple trees and I adore apples, usually I eat always.
So I love this crumble recipe from La petite patisserie d'iza, a lovely french blog.

I made these pictures a really early morning (about 6:30 AM) 
I was afraid by the hour but I love the light in these pictures.
Hope you enjoy!


1 kg. of apples (fuji or others delicious apple)
80 g all purpose flour
60 g of cold butter
50 g ground almonds
60 g of sugar
the juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon of 4 spices (cinnamon,ginger,nutmeg and a pinch of black pepper)
1 glass of water (to cook the apples)

Optative: some whipped cream to garnish.


Whas, peel,  and cute the apples into pieces.
Place them in a bowl and sprinkle with the lemon juice.

Then put the apples in a pan: add the water and the teaspoon of 4 spices. Cook over medium heat stirring with a spoon from time to time.
Cook until the apples are a little tender.
Place the half baked apples in a baking dish.

For the crumble.

In a bowl mix the flour,sugar and ground almonds.
Add the cold butter into pieces and mix until you have a sandy mixture.
Pour the crumble over the apples and bake to 30 40 minutes in a preheat oven to 180 °C (360 °F).
Serve warm or cold with a spoonful of whippe cream and some almonds.

Print recipe

Fuji and green apples in my yard

En español
Crumble de manzanas

Ya lo he dicho creo. Me encantan las manzanas todo el año, naturales o como postre.
Aqui en Chile casi todo el año tenemos manzanas y de diferente tipo.
Aqui en la casa hay un arbol de manzanas verdes granny smith) y la mazana que amo: laFuji.
Este año si que tuvimos que pelear con los pájaros para rescatar manzanas Fuji: las aman! Porque las verdes las picotean solamente.
Bueno, en fin hay que compartir con todos:)
Este crumble de manzanas es absolutamente delicioso.


1 kilo de manzanas Fuji u otra manzana deliciosa
80 gramos de harina sin polvos de hornear
60 gramos de mantequilla fría
50 gramos de almendras molidas
50 gramos de azúcar
el jugo de 1 limón
1 cucharadita de mezcla de 4 especies (canela,nuez moscada,jengibre y una pizca de pimienta negra)
1 vaso de agua (para cocer las manzanas)

