This recipe is a really vintage , and I found it in a magazine of my mom gave me.
it's a really delicious küchen ricotta.
Küchen are something special here in Chile and we these recipes from German colonies.
For many years there was here an adorable Tearoom called "Cafe Paula"were they doing the best cakes and pastries, and one of their specialties was the cottage cheese or ricotta kuchen.
It was my favorite when I was to "Cafe Paula".
Really I was happy find this recipe and discover that is as delicious as remembered.
enjoy! -
Source: Revista" Saber comer" año 1966
400 grams of ricotta
1 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons plain flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoons icing sugar
2 tablespoons Corinth raisins
3 eggs
1 orange (the grated zest )
3 teaspoons Icing sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
In a large bowl put the ricotta, heavy cream, sugar, plain flour and baking powder.
Stir gently, then add raisins, orange zest and egg yolks adding
add yolks one at a time.
Apart beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until you have a smooth and firm meringue.
Add the meringue to the ricotta mixture gently so fluffy and not too down.
Then butter and flour a 24 cm round cake pan and fill with the batter.
Preheat oven to 170 ° and cook for about 35 minutes.
Or until the surface look lightly browned.
Remove and let cool to room temperature.
Place in fridge 1 hour before serving.
When is cold sprinkle with icing sugar and ground cinnamon and transfer to a plate.
Im sharing this with Joyce for "Cooking your books"
Y para el Buscador de Recetas chilenas
para el dia de la cocina chilena que celebra este mes.
En español
Küchen de ricotta
Del Café Paula muchos se deben acordar, durante años fue de los mejores Salones de Té de Santiago, junto con el Santos.
(Por lo menos en el centro)
Yo trabajé muchos años en el centro asi que muchas veces almorzé allí o me junté con amigas a tomar el té.
Era estupendo.
Los pasteles y las tortas y los sandwichs de pollo pimiento o pollo con palta.
Bueno uno de mis preferidos era el kuchen de riccotta o quesillo con unas pasas pequeñas.
Esta es la receta y estoy feliz de haberla encontrado.

400 gramos de ricotta o quesillo
(si se usa quesillo debe ser de los blandos porque hay que molerlo)
1 taza de crema espesa
4 cucharadas de azucar
4 cucharadas de harina sin polvos de hornear
2 cucharaditas de polvos de hornear
2 cucharadas de pasas corinto
ralladura fina de una naranja
3 huevos
3 cucharaditas azúcar en polvo
1 cucharadita canela en polvo
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