This is an old French recipe of those that I have saved and when the meeting say aww I want to do this.
And just only have 4 ripe pears and even has a bit of work, really worth!
From me for you!
Adapted from
The summer-flower has run to seed,
And yellow is the wodland bough;
And every leaf of blush and weed
Is tipt with autumn's pencil now.
And I do love the varied hue,
And I do love the browning plain;
And I do love each scene to view,
That's mark´d with beauties of her reign.
John Clare (from the Village Minstrel, 1821)
(4 servings)
75 g soft butter
15 g ground almonds
50 g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 egg (about 30 g)
1 pinch of salt
180 g plain flour
Work the softened butter and sugar with mixer until creamy. Add the egg and mix slightly.
Add the flour, ground almonds and vanilla.
Work the mixture gently until a slightly sticky ball of dough.
Shoot a ball and place in refrigerator for at least one hour for the dough is easy to spread.
For almond cream
135 g butter at rtoom temperature
165 g icing sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
120 g ground almonds
2 eggs
4 medium or little pears
Cut the butter into pieces in a large bowl and work with a spatula and mix with the icing sugar, cornstarch and ground almond and sift the mixture.
Add the eggs one by one by mixing each so that the cream is evenly mixed.
For mounting
After 1 hour spread the dough and expand circles about 14 cm circles and put in ramekins or ceramic molds, up the dough on the sides.
Peel pears and cut a little to their base they take very straigh into the molds.
Place a pear in the center o each mold. With a teaspoon carefully fill the almond cream around the pears.
Prehat oven to 180°c.
Bake for 30 minutes.
After the 30 minutes let cool by a while and carefully desmold tart and bake by others 10 minutes so that the pastry will cooked on the sides.
Serve warm or cold.
Note: The original recipe is with hazelnut cream but I hadn't so I used almonds and was delicious.
Anyway you know always I put the link if you can see the original recipe (in french)
print recipe
En español
Receta antigua de tartas con peras y crema de almendras
Aun hace calor pero ya parece Otoño y las noches son frias.
Un gran abrazo a todos mis amigos del Sur que sufren con el Volca:, Pucon, Ensenada,Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt y alrededores.
Una tarta de peras con crema de almendras MUY antigua y absolutamente deliciosa.
La receta original va con crema de avellanas (naturales) pero cuesta mucho encontrar de esas avellanas (las europeas) así que la hice con almendras y quedaron muy buenas.
En todo caso puse el link siquieren ver la receta original.
Ingredientes (masa)
75 g de mantequilla (temperatura ambiente)
15 gramos de almendras molidas
50 gramos de azúcar en polvo o glass
1 cucharadita extracto de vainilla
1/2 huevo (batí el huevo entero y usé la mitad)
1 pizca de sal
180 gramos de harina sin polvos de hornear
Trabajar en un bol la mantequilla y el azúcar hasta tener una crema suave.
Agregar la mezcla de huevo y mezclar suavemente.
Agregar la harina, almendras molidas y vainilla.
Trabajar la masa hasta tener una bola de masa un poco pegajosa.
Llevar al refrigerador por 1 hora antes de usar.
Crema de almendras
135 gramos de mantequilla
165 gramos de azúcar en polvo
1 cucharadita de maicena
120 gramos de almendras molidas
2 huevos
4 peras pequeñas o medianas
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