Kuchen de nuez - Waltnut kuchen for my Mom

Really I was thinking to publish this recipe before Mother's Day, but simply I can't!
(I have  2 weeks with an earache and a cold that I'm not 100%)

But anyway I have  to make a recipe for my mom .
I know she loves I bake for her!
I was very touched when I  read  some friend'blogs  talking about their mothers, I know Im lucky still she is with us.

I love so much my Mom  . 
I learned to cook  and bake with her when I was about 10 years and we have supported each other in difficult times . She makes me laugh many times. 
And her life is not easy I know.
( For her is difficult walk and she miss that)
She loves tea time so  wanted a waltnut kuchen.
And long time since I did one!
And she  given me  waltnuts .  So I made....

I saw many recipes and finally chose one of my own Notebook of recipes that had never been done.
My mom loved it and I was happy she enjoy.. I did everything in Sunday  morning.
So   when I took the pictures was fresh out of the oven.
I hope you enjoy too if you try this recipe and hope you had a lovely Mother's Day!
A hug to everyone!


1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup of sugar
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons butter
1 egg
1 yolk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1 1/2 cup of sugar
2 cups ground waltnuts
125 grams butter 
1/2 cup of heavy cream


In a medium bowl mix flour sugar and baking powder, and then add butter, the egg and yolk, finally the vanilla extract.
Make a ball with dough.(without kneading)
Set aside by 10 minutes and pressed onto the bottom and up the sides of a greased tart pan with removable bottom.

Preheat oven to 180° c (350° F)
Bake for 10 minutes.

Make the waltnut filling

In a dry skillet brown  brown the sugar until are a little golden, add butter and stir well.
Then add the ground waltnuts and stir over low heat.
Add the heavy cream stirring and cook by a while.You will have a thicked cream.
Carefully empty the cream into the semi baked crust.
Bake again by 10 minutes more.
Cool completely on a wire rack.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes before cutting.

Im sharing this recipe with Joyce to Cook your books

print recipe here

En español
Kuchen de nuez

Quería hacer esta receta antes del día de la madre pero me fue imposible (he estado muy enferma con dolor de oídos y resfriado) 
Pero finalmente la hice el mismo dia de la madre para llevarselo a mi mamá.
Ella quería un Kuchen de nuez y encima me había regalado nueces.
Miré muchas recetas (he hecho otros kuchen de nuez antes) y encontré en mi cuaderno de recetas una que no había hecho.
Y fue deliciosa y maravillosa a mi mamá le encantó.


1 1/2 taza de harina sin polvos de hornear
1/2 taza de azúcar
2 cucharaditas polvos de hornear
2 cucharadas de mantequilla
1 huevo
1 yema
1 cucharadita extracto de vainilla


2 tazas de nueces molidas
1 1/2 taza de azúcar
125 gramos de mantequilla
1/2 taza de crema espesa


En un bol unir  el harina, azúcar, polvos de hornear, agregar mantequilla  el huevo y la yema finalmente el extracto de vainilla. Unir bien. Hacer una bola y reservar por unos diez minutos. No amasar.
Precalentar horno 180°c.
Despues extender esta masa en un molde de unos 22 o 24 cm de fondo removible y llevar a horno por 10 minutos.


En un sartén dorar el azúcar revolviendo y cuando esté dorada agregar la mantequilla, A continuación agregar las nueces molidas y la crema, siempre a fuego suave revolver la mezcla.Debe quedar de una consistencia espesa.
Vaciar esta crema sobre la masa de kuchen y llevar a horno nuevamente 10 minutos más (180°c)
Esperar que se enfrie completamente antes de cortar.
Se puede refrigerar antes unos 30 minutos .
