Greek yogurt & Fig popsicles (Helados de higos y yogurt griego)

Love posicles  are delicious and easy, I made these some weeks ago  because still I    had some figs and were delicious.
Anyway you can make this recipe with any fruit you like.
(strawberries (in slices) blueberries or raspberries)

Is true we are in autumn but still I make some popsicles because some days we have really warm days!

Source: Cooking stones

Greek yogurt & Fig popsicles

(8 popsicles)

1 1/2 cups of milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups greek yogurt
5 figs thickly sliced
Popsicles molds


First, slice the figs so they are rather thick.

Add the milk and sugar to a medium sauce pan and warm the mixture over a low heat. Just till the sugar is fully dissolved.
Add the vanilla extract and the greek yogurt.

Whisk the mixture until is completely smooth.
 Transfer the mixture to a large measuring cup and let it cool in the refrigerator about 1 hour.

Fill each popsicle mold with 1/3 of the yogurt mixture and insert the popsicle sticks.
Let set in the freezer about 1 hour.
 Divide the sliced figs amongst the molds and fill with the remainig mixture.
Put popsicles in the freezer until solid.
To remove the popsicles, either let them sit out for 5 to 10 minutes until soft enough to pull out or submerge the bottom of the popsicle mold (up to the edge of the top) in room temperature water for 10 seconds, then gently pull to release.

Print recipe here

En español

Paletas de helado de higos y grogurt griego

Me encantan estos tipos de helados, además de fáciles son mucho más sanos que los comprados.
Los hice con unos higos que me quedaban pero se pueden hacer con: kiwis en rodajas, frutos congelados como frambuesas o arándanos y si encuentran higos mejor!!
