I remember being a child, going to a restaurant for a very special occasion (at that time going to a restaurant was something not so usual than today) and having a limón helado as dessert. They had them in the freezer along with popsicles, ice creams and all sort of frozen treats. But this was my absolute favourite. It took very long to eat completely (they used to be huge lemons), as it had to melt a bit in order to spoon the content!
I decided to share with you an easier recipe compared to the original. Why? for the regular recipe you would need to make a very precise syrup in terms of quantities, temperature, etc in order to achieve the texture and the flavour. I found some time ago this variant, and resembles a lot to the original, so I think it is worth it to go for it. Plus, you will only need 4 ingredients:
Ingredients for 5 lemons (all ingredients except the sugar need to be in the fridge beforehand):
-5 big size lemons
-1 can of condensed milk (circa 400 gr)
-250 ml evaporated milk (about 8 % fat)
-1 tbsp sugar
- Cut one side of the lemons and keep it for decoration as a "hat"
- Squeeze some of the juice of the lemons and carefully remove the pulp of the lemons with the help of a small spoon. Put the hollow lemons and hats in the freezer while you proceed with the rest of the ingredients
- Strain the juice and squeeze the pulp to obtain as much juice as you can. Mix it with the condensed milk until well combined. Set aside
- Whisk the evaporated milk with the sugar until the texture becomes creamy and fluffy, and carefully combine with the lemon and condensed milk mixture, until homogeneously combined.
- Fill in the lemons completely and keep in the freezer for 2-3 hours (also the remaining cream in a container)
-When the cream is solid, put some of it on top of the lemons, to improve the presentation and top with the hats. Freeze completely overnight.
Tip: Before eating them, leave them 5 minutes out of the freezer in order to enjoy a more creamy texture
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