Sauteed Guanche rice (Arroz salteado Guanche)

300g long grain rice
2 bananas
1 chicken breast
1 red onion
1 small yellow pepper
8 cherry tomatoes
30 gr / 1 tea cup raisins
1 Star anise
Olive oil

Cook the rice in a saucepan with water and salt. (15 - 20 minutes)

Meanwhile we cut the banana into slices. Sauté the slices in a pan and set aside.

Cut the chicken cubes and fry in a pan with a little bit olive oil. When half-cooked, add the red onion cut into strips & the diced peppers. After few minutes add raisins, cherry tomatoes, cloves and anise. Add also clove to taster and a star anise

When rice is cooked, drain well and add to the pan with the other ingredients. Add salt & pepper to taste.

Once on the plate, add the bananas and chopped chives.
