Since long ago the people in Buñol have been celebrating their local party end of August.
It was in 1945 when a young group of boys decided to walk with the musicians in the town square of Buñol. Having fun the boys made one of the participants to fall. The man was very angry and was hitting everybody on his way. Luckily for us there was a vegetable stand, so the crowd started to fight with tomatoes against the man. The police was ending the tomatoes battle.
In 1946 a group of young people repeated the battle with few buckets of tomatoes.They made history that day, even against the police of those days.
In the early 50s the battle was banned, but people from Buñol managed the government to allow it again. However in 1957 the government tried to ban the tomatina again. What did they do?? Citizens from Buñol set a huge tomato into a coffin, and accompanied by music band they marched all around the city. After that La Tomatina became a festival, and it is been allowed as official festivity since then.
In 2002, La Tomatina of Buñol was declared Festivity of International Tourist Interest by the Secretary Deparment of Tourism.
Every year there are more and more participants. Since 2013 tickets are available to assure the security of the attendants.
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