Zucchini cheese whole wheat little tarts

This is one of my favorites now you can fill with champignons, zucchini or aubergines, all you want . And a delicious  whole wheat crust !!
Source:  Taller de Panadería (Uruguay)
Healthy baking Book  (Book)

4 little tarts 


300 grams whole wheat flour
6 tablespoons  vegetable  oil
200 cc  ice water
1 tablespoon lemon juice


3 zucchinis in slices
Olive oil
salt and pepper
200 grams cream cheese
3 eggs
100 cc milk
150 cc heavy cream
parmesan grated cheese


In a bowl put the whole wheat flour with the oil and slowly work with your fingers to form a mixture have crumble consistency.
Add salt and water and lemon juice  and it should be a smooth, soft dough. If necessary add a little water.
Make a ball with the dough . Cover and let rest for an hour.
Cut the zucchini into slices
and cook in a frying pan with a little olive oil
and season with salt and pepper.
Remove and let cool.
Roll out the dough on a table with a little flour and cut out circles the size of the tarts.
Pinch thebottom with a fork.
Make a mixture with  cream cheese, cream, milk  and eggs and fill with this mix  the little tarts and then  cover with sliced zucchinis.
Sprinkle with grated parmesan  cheese.
Bake about 20 minutes or until cheese look melted and golden.

print recipe here

En español
Tartas de harina integral con zapallitos 
