Marmelade de clementines (clementine marmalade) (mermelada de mandarinas)

Love this Clementine jam is absolutely delicious and really easy. You can enjoy at breakfast or Tea time.:)

Source : La cuisine de Nathalie

Clementine marmalade

(2 jars)


20 clementines 
400 grams of  granulated sugar 
One lemon the juice
1 vanilla pod or 
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


Peel the clementines detach the quarters and cut them in half.

Place the fruit in a saucepan, add the sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Split the vanilla pod in half in lengthwise and save the grains contained and embed the pod  directly to clementines and mix.
Bring to the boil, then make stew over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring regulary until complete absorption of the juice.
Look is enough thick or let by 5 minutes more.
When cooked remove the vanilla pod and if you want give three shots-dipping blender to obtain a homogeneous texture.

(I don't used the blender  , only continue stirring the mixture all the time and when  I saw  the jam was a good texture turn it off.) But you can use if you prefer.

Finally store in a refrigerator in two glass jar.

print recipe here

En español

Mermelada de mandarinas o clementinas

Finalmente  pude hacer mi mermelada de mandarinas. 
Se me ha hecho dificil este año. Compre varias veces y se las comian en la casa antes de hacer algo. epero aún hay en las ferias y supermercados.

Quedó deliciosa aun los que no comen mermelada les gustó.
A mi me encanta el color es precioso.

( 2 frascos)

20 clementinas o mandarinas 
400 gramos de azúcar granulada
el jugo de 1 limón
1 vaina de vainilla (las semillas)
 o 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
