I love soufflés , but a long time I didn't make.
Cheese souffle was one my mom usually made at home and I loved.
I did it in individual portions because it is much better to serve everyone their portion!
They are great for brunch, light night supper for two or as a versatile dish with a salad.
Adapted and translate from : 750 grammes (French site)
(5 servings)
60 g flour
50 cl milk
60 g of butter
salt and pepper
grated nutmeg
6 egg yolks
6 egg whites
130 grams grated cheese
(gruyere or cheddar)
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Once it is melted, add flour, stir and cook for 2 -3 minutes over low heat.
Stir occasionally.
Meanwhile, butter the molds with softened butter .
After 2-3 minutes pour the milk into the pan and stir.
Increase a little fire and season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg and stir.
Bring to a boil then remove from heat and stir vigorously.
Then put the pan on heat again for a minute while continuing to mix. Get out of the fire.
Add the grated cheese and egg yolks while stirring.
Put this mixture into a bowl.
Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff but not dry.
Put half of whites in the preparation and mix gently .
This gesture will help keep the lightness of the whites.
Do the same with the second half of whites.
Preheat the oven to 180°c. (350F)
Turn the souffle mixture into the prepared ramekins
Put the ramekins or molds over a baking sheet .
Bake 20-25 minutes or until the tops are puffed and centers appear set.
Serve inmediately.
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En español
Souflée de queso
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