White chocolate and cheese cream with pomegranate seeds (A friday guest post to Mahaslovelyhome)

Today I share this recipe with Usha from Mahaslovelyhome  who asked me a guest post.
Usha is  from India and live about 8 years in Brazil and now is in India again.
In her blog has lovely and nice recipes from India and Brazil.

You can see other recipes from Maha here

And before the recipe  Maha asked me answer some questions !

1. Few words about u some thing special which we don't know ?

I live in  Santiago, Chile but I live in the countryside about almost 10 years. Is about 1 hour from Santiago, Im married, and have twins a daugther and son and they are teenagers now.

2.Food photography tips or 2 useful kitchen tips.

I dont know, I read a lot about all so I love Pinterest where you can see a lot of pictures and recipes.
After all these years I learn to find the best place to take pictures, usually out in garden or in a space close to my kitchen with good light.
The light is all.  

3. How to improve fans or followers for blog  food  or FB page?

Really Im not good for that.In all these years. I knew many people  that stopping by  for recipes or others and finally we are friends cause  usually you  visit yours friends.
And when I love a recipe always I let a comment and so you know a lot of people.

4. How food blog changed your life ?

How many recipes you posting in a month and your memorable moments which related to blog.?
I begun  with my blog's recipe about 8 years ago.
I begin because I have many friends in England (and still) and they asked for recipes from here or others.
I knew all in Delia's site a lovely site with recipes from Delia Smith.
I post about two recipes weekly  but If can I don't worry but the usual is about 8  recipes in a moth.

5.Finally tell me a few words about MLH?

Im really happy to know you. And your blog have lovely and yummy recipes  and  is nice talk with you in Facebook and always I love Indian food.
And thanks to you  Usha  for  asked me a guest post  :)

White chocolate and cheese cream with pomegranate

Serves 6

1 cup white chocolate in pieces or chips
1 cream cheese  (200 grams) (Philadelphia type)
1 1/2  cups heavy cream
1/2 cup sugar 

1/2 cup pomegranate seeds


In a large bowl set over a pan of simmering water, melt the white chocolate and cream cheese together.
tir when is creamy.
Remove from the heat and let cool to room temperature.
Once cooled enough, whip the heavy cream to medium stiff peaks and add slowly the sugar..
Carefully incorporated the heavy cream into the white chocolate mixture.
Try to go fast  because white chocolate will have greater chances to become  grainy.
Pipe or spoon the mouse in glasses and garnish with pomegranate seeds.
Keep in refrigerator until serve.

print recipe here

En Español

Postre de chocolate blanco y semillas de granada

Este postre con granadas es absolutamente delicioso (yo tenía semillas de granadas congeladas) pero se puede usar cualquier otra fruta para ponerle encima.
Frutillas o frambuesas o arándanos e incluso duraznos en tarro o frescos.


1 taza de chocolate blanco en trozos 
1 queso crema tipo Philadelphia
1 1/2 taza de crema  para batir
1/2 taza de azúcar o endulzante

semillas de granada o frutillas, frambuesa u otra fruta


Colocar un bol mediano sobre una olla con agua caliente con el chocolate blanco y queso crema, derretir.
Revolver un poco y retirar .
Dejar enfriar a temperatura ambiente.
Una vez ya fría la mezcla batir la crema a punto  agregar el azucar y unir todo en forma homogenea.
Repartir en copas, agregar la fruta encima y llevar al refrigerador hasta servir.
