Where have the traditional pets gone?
3 Days ago a female Lion was seen at different villages in the border of Catalonia and Valencia. Nobody knows from its origin... maybe it escaped from a Circus? Maybe a rich and excentric person bought it as a puppy and now the feline has grown far too much.

Neighbours are really scared and authorities are making their best to try catch the animal. A local farmer took his shotgun with him but the police told him to leave the weapon at home... What???? If my life were in danger I would also like to have a gun nearby... but the police argued that he could hurt somebody instead of the lion.

There is also an increasing affection for having Boas constrictor or iguanas or poisonous spiders... Have we all gone nuts? Go and buy yourself a dog or a cat or a little local signing birdie!!!! But, if you do, treat them well and Do Not abandon them!
Boleta thinks that she is a lion! She sometimes behaves as if she were big and powerful when another female bumps into her. She doesn't care about sizes... maybe I should take her to the ophthalmologist ;D.
All these babling has nothing to do with the recipe but a warm deep dish of this Chickpeas puree would surely tame the wild beasts and the domestic ones as well :D.

Ingredients for 4 servings: For the chickpeas --- 400 grs of dry chickpeas, 3 carrots, an 8 cm fresh ham bone, 1 onion, salt and water. For the rest of the recipe-- 2 fresh medium squids and their ink, olive oil and some salt.
3 Days ago a female Lion was seen at different villages in the border of Catalonia and Valencia. Nobody knows from its origin... maybe it escaped from a Circus? Maybe a rich and excentric person bought it as a puppy and now the feline has grown far too much.

Neighbours are really scared and authorities are making their best to try catch the animal. A local farmer took his shotgun with him but the police told him to leave the weapon at home... What???? If my life were in danger I would also like to have a gun nearby... but the police argued that he could hurt somebody instead of the lion.

There is also an increasing affection for having Boas constrictor or iguanas or poisonous spiders... Have we all gone nuts? Go and buy yourself a dog or a cat or a little local signing birdie!!!! But, if you do, treat them well and Do Not abandon them!
Boleta thinks that she is a lion! She sometimes behaves as if she were big and powerful when another female bumps into her. She doesn't care about sizes... maybe I should take her to the ophthalmologist ;D.
All these babling has nothing to do with the recipe but a warm deep dish of this Chickpeas puree would surely tame the wild beasts and the domestic ones as well :D.

Ingredients for 4 servings: For the chickpeas --- 400 grs of dry chickpeas, 3 carrots, an 8 cm fresh ham bone, 1 onion, salt and water. For the rest of the recipe-- 2 fresh medium squids and their ink, olive oil and some salt.
- The day before, clean and wash the squids (if your fishmonger hasn't do it before). Take some kitchen plastic film and roll them tight. Place in the freezer. Keep the ink in the fridge.
- Also the day before (night time), pour your chickpeas inside a big bowl and cover with warm water and a teaspoon of salt.
- Let's start cooking today: peel the carrots, wash the ham bone and peel the onion. Place inside a big pot and cover with water up to the top. Turn heat on. When it starts boiling, take the white foam away if there is some.
- Get the squid out of the freezer and take the film off. With the help of a sharpened knife, cut as thin as you can.
- Strain the chickpeas and pour into the boiling water. If you don't want them to be as hard as a rock, the water shouldn't stop boiling until they become tender. Depending on the peas and the water, it might take 2, 3 or 4 hours. Just be patient.
- Once they are tender, place them in a big bowl with some of the boiling stock and use a blender to get a fine texture. Add as many stock as you consider necessary. Taste and add salt. Pour some olive oil (4 tablespoons) and mix. Pour in the dishes and reserve.
- Heat some olive oil in a sauce pan and when hot, place the squid strips until they get golden. Pour some salt over and place them over the chickpeas puree.
- Decorate with some drops of squids' ink.
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