Blood Sausage and Spinach Omelette

The most important meal of the day? Breakfast, of course!

We are usually in a hurry in the morning and my breakfast is a café con leche with 2 or 3 cookies, that's it.  Not enough fuel to deal with the morning routine because we have lunch at 14:00. However, there's always great ideas to be imitated.

Here in Catalonia, we have what is called a fork breakfast; can you imagine why is it called this way? The name says it all: stay away cookies, toasts and pastries! In these breakfasts the essential is the fork and in some cases, the knife. Also, a very important ingredient here is: time. No rush is accepted, we seat, relax, talk, eat and drink wine... even if it's before noon ;D. Weekends are great days for this practice.

So, inspired in the fork breakfast, I want to show you this omelette recipe that you can also use for: lunch, picnic, dinner, party, snack, tapa, pincho... have it hot or could, that's your choice, but try it!

A nutritional tip: those of you with iron deficiency in your body, take good note of the recipe. This will do you good. If you drink a glass of natural orange juice before you start eating, then your body will optimize the iron's absorption (that's what vitamin C does). Dairy products have the opposite effect, so don't take a glass of milk or yogurt after this meal.

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 grs of fresh spinach (one of those bags where they are clean and ready to use is perfect), 5 eggs, 1 big onion, 8-9 slices of blood sausage, some olive oil, salt and bread to eat with.
  • In a new teflon pan pour just a bit of olive oil, when starts getting hot, add the blood sausage in slices and without its skin. Fry a bit at medium heat and before they start to disintegrate, reserve.
  • In this same oil put the onion cut in small dices and cook until transparent. Add the spinachs and stir until they become greener and soft.
  • Put the blood sausage back to the pan and stir until it gets all apart.
  • Salt to your taste and reserve it all on a plate. Be careful with the salt, the sausage is already salty.
  • Inside a big bowl beat the eggs, pour the plate ingredients and mix.
  • Clean the pan, pour a bit of olive oil and when slightly hot, pour the mixture. Cook both sides of the omelette and when done.... grab your fork!!!
  • You could use onion morcilla instead of blood sausage if you prefer.

Are you too sleepy and short on time in the morning to prepare the omelette? Cook it the night before and have it cold in the morning... I don't know which way is more delicious. Want to see all about omelettes?

I wish I could post more often. My apologies to my readers. Enjoy life and fooooooood!
