Three Wise Men cake with pastry cream (Roscón de Reyes con crema pastelera)

Three Wise Men cake recipe

1 liter of milk
Peel of 1 lemon
2 sticks of cinnamon
200 grams of sugar
10 tablespoon of cornflour
6 egg yolks

Boil the milk the night before with the lemon peel and cinnamon sticks. Leave to infuse overnight to intensify their flavor. Then, in a saucepan place the sugar with 1 glass of milk (strained), add egg yolks and cornflour. Stir until all ingredients are dissolved.

Place the saucepan and add the remaining milk gradually. Let it boil the milk until the mixture thickens, always stirring to avoid sticking. Let cool thoroughly before using, cover the pan with plastic wrap.

When cool, cut the Three wise men cake into half and fill up with the cream. Note that will be a good time to fill up with little toys if you like so. 

Tips_ El plastic wrap should directly touch the cream so it does not dry out.
