Mango and orange flan (Flan de mango y naranja )

I back home on the weekend!
An this other dessert I made in Villarrica I take pictures lol
Mango and orange dessert.
I love the light in these pictures, I loved this kitchen with it light!
Hope you enjoy!

Note: In my next post I hope to added pictures I have of Villarrica and Valdivia.
Still Im putting in order the house:)

This tray with roses bought me my daughter in Villarrica!
Love it!


1 1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup  water
2 eggs
2 yolks
1 tin condensed milk
fine zest of one orange
fine zest of one lemon
1 cup mango puree (fresh or from jar)


Preheat oven to 180 ° c.
prepare 6 or 7 or ramakins oven molds and place in a baking dish .

Make caramel  combining sugar and water in a medium saucepan and coking over moderate heat
swirling ocassionally until color begins to turn golden about 12 minutes.
Turn heat to low and continue cooking until colour is dark brown and mixture smell caramel.

In a small saucepan boil for 5 minutes until the sugar dissolves
just gently move the pot until the caramel is made ..

Pour the caramel into the ramekins.

To make the custard combine condensed milk , orange and lemon zest, and  milk  in a saucepan  over medium heat and bring up to just below simmering point. Turn off heat and allow orange and lemon zest flavours infuse by 15 minutes.
Whisk the eggs and egg yolks and mango puree until combined. Slowly add milk mixture to eggs whisking gently to combine.
Strain the custard and carefully put the mixture into the ramekins.

Fill a baking dish  about 1/3 with hot water. Set the custards molds into the dish of hot water.
Bake at 180°c (350 F) about 25 minutes until the flans look firm.
Refrigerate custards until ready to serve.
At least 2 hours.

To serve turn custard upside down onto a dish and remove ramekin. The caramel should make a thin layer on top, serve with some orange zest and some fruits.

Print recipe here


Flan de mango y naranja

Finalmente puedo hacer este post que tenía practicamente listo pero llegué de Villarrica y me he pasado puro limpiando y ordenando, y ya saben como es  este mes!
Tengo muchas fotos de Valdivia que espero agregar en mi proximo post.
Me he fijado que en muchas partes es habitual encontrar mangos.
No se preocupen si estan verdes. Se maduran muy bien.
Yo tenía unos maduros y para no  perderlos los llevé a Villarrica y allá hice este postre/flan, queda delicioso.
El mango es muy dificil que se eche a perder, si estan maduros se pueden moler y congelar y se guardan.

Flan de mango y naranja


1 1/2 taza de azúcar
3/4 taza de agua
2 huevos
2 yemas
1 tarro de leche condensada
1 naranja (la ralladura)
1 limón la ralladura
 1 taza de mango maduro hecho puré


Precalentar el horno a 180°c.
