Jijona´s turrón (Turrón de Jijona)

300 grams of ground roasted almonds
100 grams of sugar
200 grams of honey
1 egg whites
powdered cinnamon
lemon zest

Grind the roasted almonds until getting a paste, or buy them already grounded and toasted. 

Whisk the egg white

In a frying pan place the honey and the sugar. Will be required medium heat and stir frecuently with a wooden spoon until getting an homogeneous and thick mixture. 

Remove the pan from the heat, add the egg white and stir. You will always have lumps, stir until the lumps have disappeared. The mixture will be ready when turned into a lighter color (About 10 minutes)

Add the lemon zest and cinnamon. Stir and add the ground almonds. Stir well until the ingredients are well mixed. 

Pour the mixture in a squared container and cover with parchment paper.
The dough must be well pressed (2 containers of the same size can be used). Place aside for 24 hours and it will be ready.

Tips_Ingredients will be for 1 tablet of 500 grams or 2 of 250
Tips_ You can use a mixer to grind the almonds, but roast them in the oven before and do it little by little and with short time in the mixer, otherwise they will get oily.
